You meet all kinds of interesting and kind people in blog land. June Crawford is a new friend and fabulous artist. Check out her blog HERE. I belong to at least five networking sites, and I've met her on two of those before. I was a lucky winner on her blog. Check out this beautiful mini painting/collage: "Don't be too timid and squeamish about your actions. All life is an experiment. The more experiments the better."
I totally agree with her (and Emerson's) sentiment in that! That message came at a good time in my life as I'm trying to decide whether to quit a partime job and go "full blast" into the somewhat unknown future. Sometimes we have to take risks to get where we're supposed to be, and that can be very scary!
Maria! Thank you for your lovely words, you are far too kind! Your work is AMAZING, never fear where it may take you...those unexpected paths are almost always the ones that yield the greatest adventures!
You are so right about that quote. I hear you right now. I need to make some major "career changes" here too. It's always scary to jump. But I always go back to my mantra-- follow your heart.
Hope you find your way Maria, I'm sure you will.
The artwork is so fun.
really really beautiful, :) hope all goes well :)
Scary? Yes! But, not jumping......more scary. :-)
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