The tiger is my favorite animal for sheer magnificence, and I looked at this beautiful photo and prayed that the tigers won't be gone because they add such beauty to this world. Caption: (from printed matter): One special reason to live green; to keep these cats with us! My little cat lives in the eyes of this magnificent beast. Any time is a good time to visit the land of the Tiger. But there's no time like now. India. (Would like to see that country some day.)
Buddha picture entry: Beloved Inspiration to go within. Always the same through the ages. Going within is the Only Truth! Breathe in stillness, LISTEN with the heart. The still voice is there and speaks MY language, the one I know, the one I used to know always. This is the red thread in all of my lives, and I heed it NOW.
Woman entry: Celebrate the feminine even if it won't take you anywhere that you envision. Celebrate ANYWAY! Girls rule!
Happy woman entry: If you don't live your passion every day, what kind of life do you have? Do you feel excited to get up every morning and face a day filled with passion? If not, what are you waiting for? Permission? Only you can permit yourself to be HAPPY!